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#roger ebert

Games Aren't Art and That's Okay With Me

We can argue all we want about whether games are art or not. The real questions is, why does it matter?

The debate of whether or not games are art has been a long and tedious one.  I do not think that Roger Ebert had any idea what kind of bee hive he was kicking when he famously declared that not only are games not art, but they likely never would be.  He would later go on to amend his comments to say that he believed that games could eventually become art, but that he hadn’t seen any real evidence to say that time was soon coming.  It was a kind of back handed apology to furious gamers for taking such an absolute stance on a subject he admittedly knew little about.  Gamers more or less ignored this amendment and demonized Mr. Ebert; holding steadfast to the idea that not only could games become art, but that they indeed already were.

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